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Cameron D., Fernando S., Millings A., Moore R.K., Sharkey A., Prescott T..  2015.  Children’s age influences their perceptions of a humanoid robot as being like a person or machine.. Living Machines 2015 . The 4th International Conference on Biomimetic and Biohybrid Systems..
Fernando S., Moore R.K, Cameron D., Collins EC., Millings A., Sharkey A.J., Prescott T.J..  2016.  Automatic recognition of child speech for robotic applications in noisy environments. Submission to Computer Speech and Language, special issue on Interaction Technologies for Children. arXiv:1611.02695 [cs.CL]
Cameron D., Fernando S., Millings A., Szollosy M., Collins E., Moore R., Prescott T..  2016.  Congratulations, it's a boy! Bench-marking children's perceptions of the Robokind Zeno-R25.. Towards Autonomous Robotic Systems. :33-39.
Cameron D., Fernando S., Millings A., Szollosy M., Collins E., Moore R., Prescott T..  2016.  Designing robot personalities for human-robot symbiotic interaction in an educational context.. Living Machines. Biomimetic and Biohybrid Systems.
Cameron D., Collins E., Cheung A., Chua A., Aitken J., Law L..  2016.  Don't worry, we'll get there: Developing robot personalities to maintain user interaction after robot error. . Living Machines. Biomimetic and Biohybrid Systems.:409-412.
Cameron D., Aitken J.M., Collins E.C., Boorman L., Chua A., Fernando S., Law J..  2016.  Framing Factors: The Importance of Context and the Individual in Understanding Trust in Human-Robot Interaction. . IROS . Workshop on Designing and Evaluating Social Robots for Public Settings
Cameron D., Fernando S., Collins E.C., Millings A., Moore R.K., Sharkey A., Prescott T..  2016.  Impact of robot responsiveness and adult involvement on children's social behaviours in human-robot interaction.. AISB 2016. 5th International symposium on New Frontiers in Human-Robot Interaction..
Cameron D., Loh E.J., Chua A., Collins E.C., Aitken J.M., Law J..  2016.  Robot-stated limitations but not intentions promote user assistance. . AISB 2016. 5th International symposium on New Frontiers in Human-Robot Interaction..