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Blancas M., Vouloutsi V., Grechuta K., Verschure PFMJ.  2015.  Effects of the Robot’s Role on Human-Robot Interaction in an Educational Scenario.. Living Machines 2015 . The 4th International Conference on Biomimetic and Biohybrid Systems. .
Blancas M., Vouloutsi V., Grechuta K., Verschure PFMJ.  2015.  Effects Of The Robot's Role On Human-Robot Interaction In An Educational Scenario. 2nd International Summer School on Social Human-Robot Interaction.
Vouloutsi V.., Blancas M., Zucca R., Verschure P.FMJ.  2017.  Studying the adaptation of robot’s strategies in an educational task.. in 3rd Workshop on CRI: Designing and Evaluating Child-from a Developmental Perspective. HRI 2017,. 1