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Fernando S., Moore R.K, Cameron D., Collins EC., Millings A., Sharkey A.J., Prescott T.J..  2016.  Automatic recognition of child speech for robotic applications in noisy environments. Submission to Computer Speech and Language, special issue on Interaction Technologies for Children. arXiv:1611.02695 [cs.CL]
Moore R.K.  2016.  Introducing a pictographic language for envisioning a rich variety of enactive systems with different degrees of complexity.. Int. J. Advanced Robotic Systems. 13(74)
Moore R.K.  2016.  PCT and Beyond: Towards a Computational Framework for “Intelligent” Systems. . Living Control Systems IV: Perceptual Control Theory and the Future of the Life and Social Sciences. .
Moore R.K.  2016.  A real-time parametric general-purpose mammalian vocal synthesiser.. INTERSPEECH. San Francisco, CA..
Moore R.K.  2016.  Is spoken language all-or-nothing? Implications for future speech-based human-machine interaction. Dialogues with Social Robots – Enablements, Analyses, and Evaluation. .